Sunday, September 5, 2010

Good News!

A HUGE PRAISE- It is Viral Spinal Meningitis. Which means that the antibiotics can stop, Kaelyn and Anna (as well as my friends children) are safe and we ideally  would be out of her today. With that said...we are still here.
Nolen started vomiting last night and has continued throughout today as well as having developed diarrhea. They had him on fluids to prevent dehydration, but have since stopped them to see how he is doing on breastmilk alone since his vomiting has slowed (and hopefully stopped). We are hoping we get discharged early tomorrow morning so that my sister can make her plane and the girls can stay here with me!

A diagnosis
Slowed vomiting

Prayer Request-
Dismissal tomorrow
No more vomitting
Increased Appetite
No fever
Safe travels for my sister

Thank you all so much for your prayers...I really feel like knowing so many were/are praying or sending positive thoughts our way helped me to find peace and comfort and not be fearful of what could have happened.


Gidget Girl Reading said...

huge prayers!!! and praise god for healing nolen!!!

i've been thinking and praying for Nolen, you and your family so much.